There is a whole host of advice when it comes to securing a new job. But is there anyone, anywhere who tells us how to leave a job correctly?
Well, here we are! We are firm believers in leaving without burning a bridge. The future is always an opportunity. It’s January, peak season for thinking about a new role or career and that is ok.
If you are thinking about leaving your role, your employer shouldn’t find out on the day you hand your notice in. We’ve all been there, not sure your package aligns with your responsibilities, relocating or you’re going it alone and starting your own business, there is a right way to quit.
Throughout the process you will need to weigh up and analyse all the pros and cons about your current role and a potential new role. It’s a big decision to leave a role, making sure it’s the best decision for you and the situation you’re in.
Ultimately, it is your decision whether you stay or you leave, but adopting the process outlined above ensures maximum professionalism from you and it will make your time left with the business much smoother.